Stringent norms, regulations on the quality of cultured aquaculture species by the world importing nations, as also increased disease outbreaks forced aquaculture farmers to adopt quality practices to make aquaculture successful and sustainable. On the other hand increased production costs and reduced profit margins forcing farmers to cut down the production costs.
Deliberate usage of substandard strong chemicals in large quantities, as also unscientific practices, are not only making aquaculture more vulnerable to disease out breaks, but also affecting the quality of the produce. Effective pond management practices augment the chances of healthy shrimp/fish production with reduced disease and high quality produce.
Effective pond management depends on the quality of inputs being used and is the key factor for the success of sustainable aquaculture.
Non-pathogenic, beneficial live microorganisms (pro-biotics) and their derivatives (preĀbiotics &neutra-cueticals) and non-toxic biodegradable chemo-organic technological products are new generation products, which are widely recommended by the scientists and well accepted by the aqua farming community for effective pond management. These products are environment friendly and improve quality of the produce.
SRIBS Biotechniqs Pvt. Ltd. has introduced innovative, scientific, farmer friendly, world class quality products to support the noble cause of sustainable aquaculture.
SRIBS aquaculture health care product range provides a full range of modern disinfectants, probiotics, feed supplement products, which are highly technically efficient, but cost effective solutions to the biosecurity challenges faced by aquaculture producers and processors.
SRIBS product range has been developed scientifically & specifically for the aquaculture and processing industries. During the research and develop of the range, particular focus was placed on product efficacy against their particular target and cost effectiveness, to give the user ultimate confidence.